Admission information

The admission platform is open at:

Doctoral admissions for the July and September sessions of 2024 will proceed as follows:

1. Account creation on the platform





July 10-19, until 2:00 PM

2. Logging into the platform and submitting the electronic application file online



 July 15-19, until 2:00 PM

3. The admission exam consists of 2 parts:

a. Written exam

b. Interview


July 22-26, 2024

4. Confirmation of places





July 26-30, until 2:00 PM

Account creation should be done using an email address that you regularly use because, in the subsequent stages, you will receive messages from the committee or generated by the platform regarding the status of your electronic admission file. 1. Logging into the platform

2. Completing the necessary data for doctoral admission (name, surname, previous studies, desired place, etc.)

3. Uploading the electronic documents specified in the Admission Methodology to the platform

4. Online payment of admission and processing fees/uploading proof documents for fee reductions/exemptions

5. Submitting the file to the admission committee (”Submit” button)

6. Waiting for the file to be validated by the admission committee. It is possible to receive email messages from the committee requesting the re-uploading/uploading of documents. It is recommended to check email messages from the address with which the account was created.

7. File validation: the validation message confirms the completion of the stage.

According to the admission topics and schedules for exams, posted/announced by the doctoral schools, you will take the two admission exams.


After completing the admission exams, results will be posted at each doctoral school.

1. Confirming the place online on the platform by uploading the study contract and validating the confirmation by the committee.

2. Submitting the file with the necessary documents, physically, at the doctoral school’s office.

(The study contract and the individual study plan will be completed and signed, according to the situation of the occupied place at this stage).

Candidates admitted to fee-paying places pay the first installment of the tuition fee.



July 31, 2024 – posting the final results for the July session at the doctoral schools

This translation was done using ChatGPT 4o on the 13th of July 2024.

Schedule of doctoral admission exams in the July and September sessions of 2024, by doctoral schools and doctoral supervisors.

Admission methodology for doctoral degree programs at Babeș-Bolyai University for Ph.D academic year 2024 – 2025

Admission calendar for Ph.D academic year 2024 – 2025

Citizens Of All Other Countries Members Of The European Union, Of Countries Belonging To The European Economic Area, And Of The Swiss Confederation

The admission will be made according to the regulation in force for the academic year 2024-2025:

Admission exams

Admission examination will be held by the Doctoral Schools in July 2024 and in September 2024. The candidate will have to participate to the admission exams organized by the Doctoral School. Only those candidates who are declared admitted will be registered officially as PhD students.

Confirmations and Enrollment

  • All the candidates which passed the admission exams and fulfilled all mandatory requirements in accordance with the national legislation and university regulations will be included, by the Institute for Doctoral Studies, on the list of candidates proposed for enrollment.
  • To enroll to Ph.D all the candidates need to submit online a copy of the study contract signed in original and the proof of payment for the candidates admitted to fee.
  • The Babes-Bolyai University does not take into consideration documents submitted after the deadline mentioned in the admission calendar.


Citizens of non-EU countries, and of countries which do not belong to the European Economic Area or Swiss Confederation

The admission will be made according to the regulation in force for the academic year 2024-2025:

Romanian abroad (Ethnics)

Under the provisions of Law no. 299/2007 on providing support to Romanians from abroad, republished, with subsequent amendments and supplements, citizens of Romanian origin include: People who freely assume the Romanian cultural identity, persons of Romanian origin, persons from the Romanian linguistic and cultural area living outside Romania’s borders regardless of how they are denominated (armâni, armânji, aromâni, basarabeni, bucovineni, cuţovlahi, daco-români, fărşeroţi, herţeni, istro-români, latini dunăreni, macedoromâni, macedo-români, maramureşeni, megleniţi, megleno-români, moldoveni, moldovlahi, rrămâni, rumâni, valahi, vlahi, vlasi, volohi, macedo-armânji) and all other related forms of the above. Romanian emigrants, whether they kept or not the Romanian citizenship, and their descendants as well as Romanian citizens residing abroad.”

For state funded places by Romanian Government, the studies are held only in Romanian language.

Depending on the language of the doctoral programe, candidates can pursue doctoral studies as follows:

  1. In Romanian
    • tuition-free, with scholarship;
    • tuition-free, but no scholarship;
    • payment of tuition fees in lei.
  2. In other languages
    • payment of tuition fees in lei;
    • payment of tuition fees in foreign currency.

Admission fees:
According to OM 4017/06.07.2018 candidates who apply for scholarships offered by the Romanian state: Romanians from across the border, foreign citizens who comply with bilateral cooperation documents, applicants who comply with the unilateral proposal of the Romanian state, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism and the Ministry of Education are exempt from registration fees, document processing fees, enrollment fees, assessment of Romanian language skills fees, fees for the doctoral entrance exam and fees for the assessment of specific professional skills.

Scholarships holders by the Romanian state through the MFA

  1. All candidates to doctoral studies need to have a doctoral supervisor from Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai and to receive the preliminary agreement from the future supervisor, in order to apply for Ph.D studies
  2. Preliminary agreement
    All candidates to doctoral studies have to obtain a Preliminary agreement (click on it) signed by a doctoral supervisor from Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai. It is in the reasonability of the candidate to find a supervisor and receive the Preliminary agreement.

Applications for the scholarship offered by the Romanian state through the MFA:

Admission exams

Admission examination will be held by the Doctoral Schools in July 2024 and in September 2024. The candidate will have to participate to the admission exams organized by the Doctoral School. Only those candidates who are declared admitted will be registered officially as PhD students.

Confirmations and Enrollment

  • All the candidates which passed the admission exams and fulfilled all mandatory requirements in accordance with the national legislation and university regulations will be included, by the Institute for Doctoral Studies, on the list of candidates proposed for enrollment.
  • To enroll to Ph.D all the candidates need to submit online a copy of the study contract signed in original and the proof of payment for the candidates admitted to fee.
  • The Babes-Bolyai University does not take into consideration documents submitted after the deadline mentioned in the admission calendar.