International Conference on Governance, Intelligence and Security 2019 – New perspectives on European (In)security

Departamentul de Studii Internaţionale şi Istorie Contemporană din cadrul Facultăţii de Istorie şi Filosofie a Universităţii Babeş-Bolyai are plăcerea de a vă invita la 
International Conference on Governance, Intelligence and Security 2019  
cu tema New perspectives on European (In)security,  
ce va avea loc în perioada 9-11 Mai 2019 la Cluj-Napoca.

Evenimentul se adresează cadrelor didactice și cercetătorilor interesaţi de tematica conferinţei.

În speranţa că veţi fi alături de noi vă adresăm rugamintea de a disemina această invitație și altor persoane interesate.

Call for Applications now open:
International Conference „Governance, Intelligence & Security 2018” – New perspectives on European (In)security
Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca.
In the last decade, European Union had to deal with many crises and risks to its security. While only some of them are directly threatening the lives of European citizens, they contribute to building a more general sense of anxiety and insecurity. Some challenges can be perceived as concrete threats for the general wellbeing: the refugees from conflict areas, the rise of populist far-right parties across Europe, the challenges of sovereign debt and fiscal austerity, the different anti-community positions adopted by several member states, the conflictual climate fueled by Russia or the disputes related to Brexit. But it is still unclear what European Union and member states have to do to address these challenges.

This conference aims to bring together works addressing these challenges. The event will gather a group of 25-30 researchers working on these topics in order to facilitate the knowledge sharing and a better understanding of current events. The organizers strive for a balance between established academics, early career scholars (PhD candidates may also apply) and practitioners. We encourage theoretical, empirical or methodological papers on any aspects related to developments and approaches in the fields of European governance, intelligence and security cooperation and management (including issues of securitization).
Depending on the quality, and scope of works, the organizers have in mind either a special issue in an international peer-reviewed journal or an edited volume with a high-profile publisher.
Papers can address any of the following topics including, but not limited to:
• The role of the EU in shaping European security;
• The role of Member State in addressing the current challenges;
• Security of migration;
• Governance of security;
• Elections and current political trends (eg. populism);
• Power rivalries and geopolitical threats;


Papers will be presented in the following format: 15 min. presentation + 15 min. discussion
In line with the goals of this conference, three types of papers are encouraged:
1. Theoretical papers that discuss the definition and conceptualization of new perspectives in European security. Such contributions should ideally bring a broad perspective of the concepts and relate them to existing analytical dimensions.
2. Methodological papers addressing specific issues or assessments related to European security. Contributions that bring innovative methods and data are particularly welcomed.
3. Empirical papers that seek to explain new developments, existing challenges, different forms of security in diverse settings, components of security etc. Longitudinal analyses and comparative works are particularly encouraged. We have no preference for qualitative or quantitative techniques of analysis. However, we expect papers presenting single case studies to aim at building, testing, or modifying theories instead of being centered on individual instances.
Deadline for submiting the application form: 1st of March 2019 to
Deadline for authors to send their papers: 25th of April 2019.
For more details please visit