Seminar: “Civic participation in Central and Eastern Europe: solutions form innovative government”

Seminar Details:
Title: “Civic participation in Central and Eastern Europe: solutions form innovative government
Date: February 21, 2025
Venue: Online (MS Teams)
We welcome online presentations (approximately 15 minutes). Participation in the Seminar is free of charge.
We are interested in addressing the following issues regarding civic participation in Central and Eastern Europe countries:
  1. Axiological and sociological conditions of civic participation (e.g. the level of equality, public trust, solidarity, tradition of political freedom, etc.)
  2. The relevance of local self-government in the system of public governance
  3. Effective and innovative institutions of direct, participatory and deliberate democracy
  4. Scope of application of democratic innovations (e.g. in creating local law and public policy, monitoring the execution of public tasks, implementing project co-founded by the EU, etc.)
Important dates:
February 4, 2025 – deadline for submitting abstracts (up to 250 words); submission should be sent to one of the following e-mail addresses:,
February 4, 2025 – notification of acceptance
February 21, 2025 – online seminar (the schedule of the event will be sent in advance).
The authors of selected presentations will be invited to prepare submissions for an international monograph within approximately 2 months of the end of the Seminar.
Details will be provided after the Seminar.
Scientific Committee:
Kazimierz Bandarzewski – associate professor, Jagiellonian University
Magdalena Małecka-Łyszczek – associate professor, Krakow University of Economics
Marek Mączyński – associate professor, Jagiellonian University
Katarzyna Eliasz, PhD – Jagiellonian University
Organizing Committee:
Aleksandra Dąbek – Master of Laws, Krakow University of Economics
Alicja Goebel – student Krakow University of Economics
Klaudia Kapinos – student Krakow University of Economics
Jan Sobczyński – student Krakow University of Economics
Katarzyna Wołek – student Krakow University of Economics