Postdoc candidate interested in MSCA Individual Fellowship

CiTIUS, the Research Centre in Intelligent Technologies of the University of Santiago de Compostela, is willing to support one or more excellent researchers of any nationality interested in applying for a EU Marie Sklodowska Curie Individual Fellowship and continuing their scientific career in Spain for a period of at least 2 years.
The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship Programme (MSCA-IF) aims to support the career development and training of excellent researchers through international mobility. We are willing to support applications related to one of our Scientific Programmes:
  1. Machine Learning
  2. Advanced Computing
  3. Approximate Processing
  4. e-Health
  5. Personal Robots
  6. Semiconductor Devices and Autonomous Sensors
  7. Natural Language Technologies
  8. Artificial Vision

Researchers with a good scientific background and a project in mind, are encouraged to contact our team. CiTIUS team will work in tandem with the selected candidates in the preparation of their candidature in order to submit a successful application to this competitive programme.

For further information and application, please visit the following link: